4 Lessons from Déjà Vu When You’re Stuck in a Rut

Read this if life feels monotonous

Amber Malone|Intuition Tips
4 min readJan 15, 2022
*Image uploaded by 🤓 author

What is déjà vu?

Déjà vu is most known for being nothing more than a “weird” feeling that tickles your senses.

I like to think of déjà vu as a mental sticky note placed in your mind for a good reason.

It’s a useful tool directing you toward your intuition when you need motivation.

So why does déjà vu feel so strange?

A better question is, when does déjà vu feel strange?

When you’re doing normal seemingly insignificant activities, déjà vu pops up.

Most people don’t describe the familiar feeling as a shift in perspective when life feels unfulfilling.

Why do we often think déjà vu has nothing to teach us?

Part of the reason is we assume it lacks practical value.

Our culture is purpose-driven.

Achievements justify our joy.

When we meet someone for the first time, we may remember what they do for a living, but their name is instantly forgotten.

Déjà vu is pointless unless you’re convinced you have something to gain.

The benefits are worth exploring, let’s review them now.

Improves your mood

Opportunities to escape the rut are everywhere.

We’re usually too bored or frustrated to care.

Does this sound familiar?

You drink the morning blah.

The walk from your bathroom to your bedroom doesn’t make you reflect.

Scanning the menu for something delicious to watch isn’t the most savory experience.

Standing at an intersection is yawnable.

There’s a song playing, but you’re not listening.

You hum the tune and wonder where it came from.

It’s normal not to feel merry or mindful every minute.

Nobody enjoys spam calls.

I live with depression.

Conjuring the energy to watch my thoughts is a modern miracle.

Tinkering with the many tabs open in your mind is not always productive without support.

While I don’t love quick fixes, I do believe in discovering more about why life feels so dissatisfying.

Déjà vu confronts what’s mundane in an interesting way

The instant you think you’ve lived this moment before, you get all cozy and curled up to curiosity.

You ask, “what’s so great about what I’m doing right now?”

You’re attuned to a new mindset.

Squeezing under the seat to find your charger isn’t annoying-it’s memorable.

Being stuck in traffic isn’t evil-it’s enlightening.

Waiting a whole 2 seconds for a website to load isn’t forbidden-it’s a warm and fuzzy sensation.

The washing machine isn’t taunting you with MUHAHAHAA’S -It’s a gentle prompt to contemplate your daily cycle.

The best self-awareness exercises get lost in ordinary activities.

Aids in a mindful pause

If making time for rest is hard, you’re not alone.

“you’re not doing enough” mantras are infectious.

Life’s fancy stages get all the attention don’t they?

Status and approval are what’s trending.

The problem is keeping up with the grind.

Even if you’re Doctor Strange, that’s a lot of pressure to put on your relationship with time.

It’s okay to go at your own pace-it’s not a race.

Increases self-compassion

The last time I had deja-vu, I was parked on the couch.

On the surface-that’s an insignificant event.

Inside, sparks were flying transforming my sectional into an unforgettable sight.

A good friend of mine recently got her angel wings.

I used to plop myself on that same sofa to trade laughs with her.

Before deja-vu tugged on my attention that day, my self-talk was burning a hole in my heart.

Why didn’t I call her more?

Reflecting on the past doesn’t have to be an invitation to beat yourself with a shoulda woulda coulda stick.

The universe shares important snapshots with everyone in different ways.

Photos aren’t the only way to capture the light of your loved ones.

Strengthens intuition

Did you know your intuition supports your new year’s resolutions?

I had the urge to get rid of old stuff.

I told myself to do it later.

Sometimes we snooze our hunches.

My intuition told me to clean out my wallet.

Instead of decluttering that day, I invited a coworker to lunch-my treat.

As we collected our things, the waiter returned too soon.

My credit card declined.

I obsessively bit my cracked lips.

Mortified is an understatement.

Sometimes you need funky interactions to make intuitive connections.

The more you embrace the messages you receive, the more you pay attention to beneficial notifications.

Take note each time your intuition calls and you’ll handle extra-sensory perceptions with care.

Final thoughts

Whether you’re ordering a Frappuccino or typing an out-of-office email, nothing you do is useless.

The next time everything feels redundant and you don’t see anything worth mentioning, keep looking-there’s a cliché waiting to be unwrapped.

Thanks for reading and clicking on my little face! 🤓



Amber Malone|Intuition Tips

Thank you for your support! Your most precious resource is your intuition. I share how to use your intuition with an abundance of confidence.